
文章来源:科研处 作者: 发布时间:2014-06-03 浏览次数:998
08:30-09:00 签到注册
09:00-09:15 开幕致辞
09:15-09:30 开幕致辞
     欧盟驻华代表团贸易处三秘 博日娜(Renata Brandstätterová)女士
09:30-10:00 欧盟有关国际服务贸易的法律方法
     巴塞罗那大学WTO/区域一体化国际教席主任 Ramon TORRENT MACAU先生
10:00-10:10 问答环节
10:10-10:40 Bolkenstein指令对中欧跨境服务提供的影响
     巴塞罗那大学WTO/区域一体化国际教席主任 Ramon TORRENT MACAU先生
10:40-10:50 问答环节
10:50-11:00 茶歇
  1. 下监管网络服务的挑战:就中国服务明细而言
新加坡管理大学副教授 高树超先生
11:30-12:00 欧盟网络监管跨境服务提供的法律框架
     伯尔尼大学世界贸易学院副主管及教务主任 Pierre SAUVÉ先生
12:00-12:15 问答环节
12:15-13:30 午餐
13:30-14:00 数据保护在跨境服务提供中的作用以及展望
     国际贸易顾问 Marta SOPRANA女士
14:00-14:30 跨境服务提供:判例法
     国际贸易顾问 Marta SOPRANA女士
14:30-14:45 问答环节
14:45-15:15 研究方法和限制:对中国进一步分类研究方法需求的评估
     伯尔尼大学世界贸易学院副主管及教务主任 Pierre SAUVÉ先生


15:30 会议总结
    EU-China Seminar on the cross-border supply of services: services techniques and the role of data protection
    20 June 2014
    Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
    In English & Chinese (tbc)
08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:15 Opening Remarks
     Chinese Representative
09:15-09:30 Opening Remarks:
     Renata BRANDSTATTEROVA, Third Secretary, Trade and Investment Section, Delegation of the European Union in China
09:30-10:00 The EU’s legal approach to international exchanges of services in the services sectors
     Ramon TORRENT MACAU, Director of the International Chair WTO/Regional Integration, University of Barcelona
10:10-10:40 The implications of the Bolkenstein Directive on cross-border supply of services between EU and China
     Ramon TORRENT MACAU, Director of the International Chair WTO/Regional Integration, University of Barcelona
10:40-10:50 Q&A
10:50-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-11:30 The challenges of regulating internet services unde the GATS, with special reference to China's services schedule
     Henry GAO, Associate Professor of Law, Singapore Management University
11:30-12:00 The legal framework regulating cross-border supply of services via the internet in the EU and member states
     Pierre SAUVÉ, Deputy Managing Director and Director of Studies, World Trade Institute, University of Berne
12:00-12:15 Q&A
12:15-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 The role of data protection in cross-border supply of services & future outlook
     Marta SOPRANA, International Trade Consultant
14:00-14:30 Cross-border supply of services: case law
     Marta SOPRANA, International Trade Consultant
14:45-15:15 Research methodology, limitations of the research, assessing China’s sectorial approaches needs for future study
     Pierre SAUVÉ, Deputy Managing Director and Director of Studies, World Trade Institute, University of Berne


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