【思源论坛第225讲】陈洲 博士 :兼顾公平和效率的车牌分配机制

文章来源:经贸学院 作者: 发布时间:2021-12-02 浏览次数:255

 题:Balancing Efficiency and Equality in Vehicle Licenses Allocation (兼顾公平和效率的车牌分配机制)

主讲人:陈洲 博士 上海财经大学信息管理与工程学院

主持人:陈梦妙 博士 上海对外经贸大学上海对外经贸大学物流管理系

时 间:20211028日(星期四)10:0011:30

 点:上海对外经贸大学 博识楼113


主讲人简介:陈洲,香港科技大学博士,上海财经大学和香港科技大学博士后。研究方向包括运筹学,博弈论,算法设计及其在网络经济,收益管理,市场运营,共享经济中的应用。在Discrete Applied MathematicsJournal of Combinatorial OptimizationIEEE Transactions on Cloud ComputingSCI 一区)等国际权威杂志上发表论文多篇。




Abstract: Many big cities have begun to adopt policies limiting the number of vehicle licenses because of traffic and air quality concerns. In these cities, every one or two months a limited number of new vehicle licenses are distributed amongst a very large number of potential car buyers. Currently, the allocation mechanisms differ from city to city. Several mechanisms have been developed and implemented, such as auctions, lotteries, lotteries with reserved price, and simultaneous auctions and lotteries. In this work, we attempt to design an optimal, simple mechanism to balance efficiency and equality. We first propose a framework using a unified two-group mechanism that either includes or outperforms all existing mechanisms in practice. Further, the unified framework is also easy to implement in practice due to its truthfulness and simple structure. Using this framework, assuming the players' private values are drawn independently from a common distribution, we prove the optimal mechanism always consists of a sequential auction and lottery. In addition, the optimal allocation rule depends only on the total number of players and the total number of licenses for all commonly used distributions. We then extend the two-group framework to a general multi-group framework. The experimental results show us that the optimal two-group mechanism is the best practical choice. Consequently, our work provides an effective tool for social planners to design truthful mechanisms to maximize social efficiency for any level of equality. We also discuss possible applications of our results to resource allocation in other settings.


