  • 凌晨,秦思佳,戴翔.数字化转型、全球价值链嵌入与制造业企业TFP[J].国际商务研究,2024,(5):67-81    [点击复制]
  • LING Chen,QIN Sijia,DAI Xiang.数字化转型、全球价值链嵌入与制造业企业TFP[J].INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS RESEARCH,2024,(5):67-81   [点击复制]
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南京航空航天大学,江苏 南京 211106;无锡太湖学院,江苏 无锡 214063;厦门大学,福建 厦门 361000;南京大学,江苏 南京211093
的提升也具有积极作用。进一步利用WIOD 数据库、中国工业企业数据库以及中国海关数据库的匹配数据,基于企业层面的实证研究发现,数字化转型对制造业企业TFP 影响的现实效应证实了前述理论判断,即数字化转型通过改善全球价值链分工地位以及提升全球价值链参与度对制造业企业TFP 提高产生积极影响。因此,制造业企业要抓住数字技术带来的战略机遇,通过大力推进数字化转型,改善全球价值链分工地位和强化扎根全球价值链能力,充分发挥融入全球价值链对提升TFP 的积极作用。
关键词:  数字化转型  全球价值链  制造业企业  全要素生产率
基金项目:国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国式现代化的统计监测评价问题研究”(项目编号:2 3&ZD0 3 6);江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究项目“民营科技企业人力资源管理机制创新研究”( 项目编号:2022SJYB1006)。
Digital Transformation, Global Value Chain Participation and TFP of Manufacturing Enterprises
LING Chen,QIN Sijia,DAI Xiang
This paper points out, relying on digital transformation, the position of division of labor in the value chain can be improved, which may change the previous adverse impact of“low-end embedding”on the total factor productivity of the manufacturing industry into a favorable one, and with the improvement of the participation in the global value chain, it also has a positive effect on the improvement of the total factor productivity of the manufacturing industry. Based on the scientific measurement of the degree of digital transformation and other indicators at the level of manufacturing enterprises, this paper further uses the data of international input-output table to empirically test the realistic effect of digital transformation on the total factor productivity of manufacturing enterprises. The results confirm the above-mentioned theoretical judgment, that is, digital transformation can improve the division of labor in global value chain and enhance the participation in global value chain. It has a positive impact on the increase of TFP in manufacturing enterprises. Therefore, this paper suggests that manufacturing enterprises should seize the important strategic opportunities brought by digital technology, improve the division of labor in global value chains and strengthen the ability to take root in global value chains by vigorously promoting digital transformation, so as to give full play to the positive role of integration into global value chains in enhancing TFP.
Key words:  digital transformation  global value chains  manufacturing enterprises  total factor productivity

