摘要: |
在生物医学领域专利制度被逐步异化为战略工具的现实背景下,探讨生物医学领域专利制度更显必要。面对当前生物医学领域专利制度与消费者利益间矛盾丛生的关系,作为公共利益天然代表的国家理应对此作出积极思考和应对,以便生物医学领域的专利制度能够重归原旨。所以,我国应当对生物医学领域的专利制度策略实行多元优化,通过灵活内化国际新创规则、合理建构政府补贴体系、充分利用横向磋商场域来促使该领域的专利制度在最大程度上发挥激励创新效用的同时与消费者利益保护实现理想状态下兼容,从而使人民健康水平提升和药品可及性问题改善取得根本性突破。 |
关键词: 药品 专利 生物医学 消费者利益 制度策略 |
DOI: |
基金项目:四川医事卫生法治研究中心—中国卫生法学会青年项目“我国生物医学领域专利制 |
Back to the Original Purpose: An Analysis on the Optimization of Patent System Strategy in China’s Biomedical Field |
XU Junwei |
Abstract: |
The patent system in the biomedical field is gradually alienated into a strategic tool. It is necessary to explore the patent system in the biomedical field. Faced with the contradictory relationship between the current patent system in the biomedical field and the interests of consumers, the country as the natural representative of the public interests should actively respond to this, so that the patent system in the biomedical field can be restored to its original purpose. Therefore, China should diversify and optimize its patent system strategies in the biomedical field. By flexibly internalizing international new creation rules, rationally constructing a government subsidy system, and making full use of horizontal consultation field, the patent system in this field can not only maximize its effectiveness in stimulating innovation, but also be compatible with the protection of consumer interests in an ideal state, so as to make a fundamental breakthrough in improving people’s health and the availability of medicines. |
Key words: medicine patent biomedical consumer interests system strategy |