  • 岳云嵩,薛新龙.“意外挑战”:乌克兰危机升级推动全球数字治理加速转向[J].国际商务研究,2024,(3):98-110    [点击复制]
  • YUE Yunsong,XUE Xinlong.“意外挑战”:乌克兰危机升级推动全球数字治理加速转向[J].INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS RESEARCH,2024,(3):98-110   [点击复制]
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中国信息通信研究院,北京 100191;对外经济贸易大学,北京 100029
关键词:  乌克兰危机  数字治理  数字政策  数字技术
Unexpected Challenge: Ukraine’s Crisis Escalation Pushes Global Digital Governance to Accelerate Shift
YUE Yunsong,XUE Xinlong
With the Digital transformation of the global economy, digital economic and trade exchanges between countries have increased significantly. The differences in policies and regulations of different countries in cross-border data flow, AI governance, transnational platform supervision and other aspects have become a huge obstacle to development. This has prompted countries to strengthen discussions on digital issues at the multilateral and regional levels, deepen coordination of policies and regulations between countries, and promote the accelerated formation and development of a global digital governance system oriented towards development. However, during the Ukraine’s Crisis escalation, a large number of digital elements were used for confrontation, such as network attacks against key infrastructure, social media public opinion control, the use of dual-use digital technology, and the involvement of private transnational digital enterprises in national conflicts. Countries have begun to re-examine the development and cooperation of digital globalization, shifting their attention from development to security, which has greatly affected the development direction of global digital governance. Major countries have not only strengthened domestic digital regulatory governance and international cybersecurity cooperation, but also actively cooperated with allies to compete for the dominant position in global digital economic and trade governance, making the global digital governance background more conservative, the orientation more focused on security, the competition for dominant power more intense, and multilateral solutions more difficult to achieve. Faced with changes in the situation, China should deepen its impact on global digital governance by expanding the opening up of the digital field, improving China’s digital governance plan, establishing multi-level digital circles of friends, and fully integrating into multilateral mechanisms for digital governance negotiations.
Key words:  Ukraine’s Crisis  digital governance  digital policy  digital technology

