  • MatevzRaskovic,Bostjan Udovic,Davor Vuchkovski,Barbara M0rec.影响商务专业学生进行贸易的决定因素 ——基于前南斯拉夫7 国民族成见以及 民族距离的研究[J].国际商务研究,2017,(4):48-61    [点击复制]
  • MatevzRaskovic,Bostjan Udovic,Davor Vuchkovski,Barbara M0rec.影响商务专业学生进行贸易的决定因素 ——基于前南斯拉夫7 国民族成见以及 民族距离的研究[J].INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS RESEARCH,2017,(4):48-61   [点击复制]
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影响商务专业学生进行贸易的决定因素 ——基于前南斯拉夫7 国民族成见以及 民族距离的研究
商务专业学生和经理们在面对国际商务时不仅需要一定的跨文化沟通技巧和能力, 也需要清楚地意识到形成他们不同行为的各种复杂的认知过程以及偏见。计划行为 理论(TPB)为分析民族成见和民族距离对国际贸易意愿的影响提供了一个可行的 研究框架。TPB 理论背后的态度—行为关系对教育者很重要,因为他们会培养未来 的商务领袖。但是,成见(定势思维)非常微妙,它可以被激活,但却很难应用, 因为这需要多种多样的行为控制。在这种情况下,没有很多经验甚至没有任何实践 经验的商科学生却可以用来作为评估所谓的“纯粹的”民族成见和民族距离的标准, 以及民族成见与民族距离对他们开展国际贸易的意愿的影响力,同时也可作为态度 和行为之间的一个介质。本文的主要目的是测试商务专业学生对某个特定国家的民 族成见和民族距离,以及这样的民族成见和民族距离是否对进行国际贸易意愿有着 决定性影响。本文的研究结果显示了在国际商务环境中民族成见对意图行为起到的 交互性作用,特别强调了成见激活和成见应用的区别。更强的情感信念通过民族距 离与民族划分以及民族仇恨(民族主义)的联系更紧密。
关键词:  民族成见  民族距离  商科学生  贸易意愿  计划行为理论  巴尔干半岛西部
Business Student Determinants of Doing Business: A 7-Country Study ofNational Stereotypes and Ethnic Distance in Former Yugoslavia
MatevzRaskovic,Bostjan Udovic,Davor Vuchkovski,Barbara M0rec
Business students and managers do not just need appropriate cross-cultural skills and competences, but also need to be aware of the various cognitive processes and biases that shape their behavior when it comes to doing international business. The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) can be a useful framework to study the role of national stereotypes and ethnic distance in determining the willingness to do business internationally. The attitude-behavior link behind TPB is important also for educators, shaping future business leaders. But stereotypes are tricky. They can be activated, but not applied due to various behavioral controls. Business students with little/ no business experience should be seen as a useful “yardstick”to asses so-called“pure”national stereotypes and ethnic distance, and their potential impact on willingness to do business, as an intention mediator between attitudes and behavior. The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of national stereotypes and ethnic distance as determinants of willingness to do business with a given nation among business students. Our results show a much more transactional role of national stereotypes on intended behavior in a business context, underlined by a clearer difference between stereotype activation and application. Stronger affective beliefs more closely related to ethnicity and animosity (nationalism) on seem to work through ethnic dist ance
Key words:  national stereotypes  ethnic distance  business students  willingness to do business  theory of planned behavior  Western Balkans

