  • 陈 雯,赵 萍,房晶晶,郑 莹.中国在全球价值链的地位、贸易收益与竞争力分析 ——基于增加值贸易核算方法[J].国际商务研究,2017,(4):5-18    [点击复制]
  • CHEN Wen,ZHAO Ping,FANG Jing-jing,ZHENG Ying.中国在全球价值链的地位、贸易收益与竞争力分析 ——基于增加值贸易核算方法[J].INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS RESEARCH,2017,(4):5-18   [点击复制]
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中国在全球价值链的地位、贸易收益与竞争力分析 ——基于增加值贸易核算方法
本文基于增加值贸易核算方法,利用1995~2011 年WIOD 数据库,测算了中国参与 全球价值链的程度、所处地位和增值能力,并分析了中国在全球价值链中的贸易收 益和竞争力。结果表明,中国在全球价值链分工中处于下游,“入世”的前几年由 于加工贸易比重的提升,在全球价值链的地位下降了,而且增值能力也减弱了。随 着企业竞争力的逐步增强,加工贸易的转型升级,中国后几年在全球价值链的地位 和增值能力有所上升。随着参与全球价值链程度的深化,中国在全球价值链中的贸 易收益持续提高。中国制造业在全球价值链中的竞争力强于服务业,而且所获得的 贸易收益也高于服务业
关键词:  全球价值链  贸易收益  竞争力  增加值贸易核算
基金项目:教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“要素成本上升背景下我国外贸中长期发展趋势研究”(项目编号: 1 3 J ZD0 1 0)、教育部人文社科规划项目“进口中间品贸易自由化对我国工业企业出口产品质量和价格加成率 的影响”(项目编号:15YJA790007)的阶段性成果
China’s Position, Trade Revenue and Competitiveness in Global Value Chains:An Analysis Based on Trade in Value Added Accounting Framework
CHEN Wen,ZHAO Ping,FANG Jing-jing,ZHENG Ying
Based on the value added trade accounting method,this paper tries to employ 1995~2011 WIOD data to measure the degree of China’s participation in global value chains (GVCs) and to analyze its GVC position, valueadded competence, trade revenue and competitiveness. New indices of GVC position, GVC participation, GVC trade revenue are set up in this paper. The results show that China kept specializing in downstream activities. In the first few years after entering into the WTO, China’s GVC position was getting lower and value-added competence getting weaker due to a greater share of processing trade. In recent years, China has seen an increase in GVC position and value-added competence. With deepening of its participation in GVCs, China has gained more trade revenue. The results also show that China has stronger competence in manufacturing sector compared with service sector, and has also gained more trade revenue from the manufac turing sector.
Key words:  Global Value Chain (GVC)  trade revenue in GVC  RCA in GVC  tr ade in value-added accounting

