  • 王金根.CISG 第48 条卖方补救权研究[J].国际商务研究,2017,(2):55-65    [点击复制]
  • WANG Jin-gen.CISG 第48 条卖方补救权研究[J].INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS RESEARCH,2017,(2):55-65   [点击复制]
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CISG 第48 条卖方补救权研究
买卖合同各方当事人均应严格按合同及法律之规定履行各自义务。一旦卖方未能按 合同及法律规定履行义务,买方有权追究卖方违约责任。然而,基于诚信原则、鼓 励交易与合同维持等精神,CISG 赋予卖方在不履行时补救其履行的权利。但为维持 买卖双方利益之平衡,CISG 根据法定补救权与意定补救权之不同而分别设定了行使 条件。在卖方补救不履行期间,买方有权中止履行对应义务,但不得行使与卖方补 救权相悖之救济措施。补救期限内卖方未能补救违约的,买方可行使法律所规定之 救济措施。补救期限内即使卖方已做出补救,也不影响买方就其所遭受之损失请求 损害赔偿。买方非法拒绝卖方补救时,买方丧失相应法律救济权利。当卖方补救权 与买方合同解除权、实际履行请求权及宽限期通知制度相冲突时,哪一种权利优先 应视法定补救权与意定补救权之不同而定。
关键词:  CISG  卖方补救权  合同解除权  实际履行  宽限期制度
基金项目:2 0 1 5 年福建省社科联项目“债务人补救权比较研究”(项目编号:FJ2015C036)。
On the Seller’s Right to Cure under CISG Article 48
WANG Jin-gen
The parties to the sales contract shall perform their obligations in accordance with the contract and relevant laws. In case the seller has failed to perform his obligations, the buyer is entitled to sue against the seller for breach of contract. However, based on the principles of good faith, trade encouragement and maintenance of contract, CISG has offered the seller the right to cure in case of nonperformance. And at the same time, in order to balance the interests of both the seller and the buyer, CISG has provided strict requirements on such right under Articles 48 (1) and 48 (2)-(4). When the seller is curing the nonperformance, the buyer may suspend his corresponding obligations. But the buyer may not exercise any other rights which are in conflict with the seller’s right to cure. In case the seller has failed to cure the nonperformance during the fixed period, the buyer may exercise the remedies provided in CISG. Even if the seller has successfully cured the nonperformance, the buyer may still claim for damages against the seller for his losses arising from seller’s nonperformance. If the buyer refuses wrongfully to accept seller’s right to cure, the buyer is precluded from exercising the remedies provided in CISG. As to the question whose right shall prevail, between the seller’s right to cure and buyer’s right to terminate the contract, right to repair or replace or to fix an additional period, it depends on whether the seller is exercising its right to cure under CISG Article 48 (1) or under Article 48 (2)-(4).
Key words:  CISG  the seller’s right to cure  right to terminate  specific performance  Natchfrist

