  • 黄建忠,胡懿,赵玲.加工贸易转型升级的路径研究——基于劳动力成本上升的视角[J].国际商务研究,2017,(2):5-21    [点击复制]
  • HUANG Jian-zhong,HU Yi,ZHAO Ling.加工贸易转型升级的路径研究——基于劳动力成本上升的视角[J].INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS RESEARCH,2017,(2):5-21   [点击复制]
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廉价劳动力一直都是中国加工贸易所具有的比较优势,但近年来不断上涨的劳动力 成本迫使中国加工贸易加快转型。本文利用2002~2013 年HS 6 位编码微观贸易数据, 并借鉴Amurgo-Pacheco 和Pierola(2008) 的分解方法,计算中国对17 个主要贸易伙伴 国加工贸易出口增长的二元边际;通过Tobit 模型实证检验劳动力成本、进出口国市 场规模、贸易成本、劳动生产率、多边阻力及外部冲击等因素对中国加工贸易出口 增长二元边际的影响,计算其边际效应,同时采用PPML 方法对模型进行稳健性检 验;其后,将二元边际按不同技术水平产品细分做实证检验。研究发现,劳动力成 本主要影响中国加工贸易出口增长的集约边际,对扩展边际虽有影响但其程度甚小, 其他影响因素的作用效果不一,中高技术出口产品二元边际受劳动力成本的影响低 于中低技术出口产品。因此,中国发展加工贸易与实现转型升级的重点政策着力方 向是从集约边际转向质量价格边际,增加产品技术内涵,同时着力加强扩展边际。
关键词:  加工贸易  劳动力成本  二元边际  转型升级
基金项目:教育部哲学社会科学重大课题攻关项目“要素成本上升背景下的中国外贸中长期发展趋势研究”(项目编号:1 3 J ZD0 1 0);中国自贸试验区协同创新研究中心项目“上海自贸区制度创新与海峡两岸经贸合作的协同推进”; 国家社科基金一般项目“劳动力成本上升背景下中国加工贸易产业升级和国际转移研究”(项目编号:1 6 B J Y 1 3 5 ) 。
Research on the Path of the Transformation and Upgrading of ProcessingTrade in China: Based on the Perspective of Rising Labor Cost
HUANG Jian-zhong,HU Yi,ZHAO Ling
Cheap labor force has always been a comparative advantage of China’s processing trade. However inrecent years, rising labor costs forced China to accelerate the transformation ofprocessing trade. The previousresearch mainly focuses on analyzing the scale of processing trade growth, the relationship between labor costand the export of processing trade, few have done on explaining the relationship between the two from the dualmargin perspective of the processing trade growth. In this paper, by using the micro trade data of HS code (6 digits,2002~2013) and the decomposition method of Amurgo-Pacheco and Pierola (2008), the authors calculate the dualmargin of the export growth of China’s processing trade to 17 major trading partner countries; the dual margin ofthe China’s processing trade export growth effected by labor cost, import and export market scale, trade cost, laborproductivity, multilateral resistance, external shocks and other factors were calculated through the Tobit model.Also, the PPML method is used to test the robustness of the model. Subsequently, an empirical test of dual margin isdone by different levels of technology products. The study finds that labor cost mainly affects the intensive marginof the export growth of China’s processing trade, while the influence is very small to the extensive margin, and theimpact of other factors is not the same; dual margin of high tech export products affected by labor cost is lower thanthose of middle and low technology products.
Key words:  processing trade  labor cost  dual margin  transformation and upgrading

