《Mechanisms underlying the effect of occupational stressors on public servants’ organizational citizenship behavior》,载于《Social Behavior and Personality: An international journal》2022年第12期
Abstract:We explored the effect of stimulating organizational citizenship behavior from the perspective of occupational stressors, as well as the roles of employees’ perceived organizational support and public service motivation as a mediator and moderator, respectively, of this relationship. Participants were 257 public servants in China, who completed questionnaires assessing the variables of interest. Results of structural equation modeling revealed that challenge stressors positively affected organizational citizenship behavior, whereas hindrance stressors negatively affected organizational citizenship behavior. Public service motivation mediated the relationship between the two forms of occupational stressors (challenge and hindrance) and organizational citizenship behavior. Additionally, perceived organizational support positively moderated the direct and indirect effects of challenge stressors on public service motivation, and also negatively moderated the direct and indirect effect of hindrance stressors on public service motivation.This research has theoretical and practical meaning for management in the Chinese public sector.
关键词:organizational citizenship behavior, public service motivation, Chinese public sector, occupational stressors, extrarole behavior, perceived organizational support
张宗贺 法学院公共管理系讲师
上海对外经贸大学公共管理系专职教师,管理学博士,硕士生导师,MPA教育中心副主任,上海市创新政策评估中心研究员。毕业于上海交通大学国际与公共事务学院。先后在Social Behavior and Personality、《公共管理与政策评论》、《兰州大学学报(社会科学版)》、《大连理工大学学报(哲社版)》、《管理学刊》、《科技进步与对策》、《行政科学论坛》等国内外核心期刊发表10余篇学术论文。主持国家社科1项、省部级课题2项,同时参与多项国家和省部级课题,参编多本教材和书籍。曾获得2021年度法学院“善法”奖教金。2022年带领学生参加上海市高校商业挑战赛“精创教育杯”创新创业竞赛荣获上海市二等奖。2022年带领学生参加“数智化商业决策大赛”分别获上海市二等奖和三等奖。