雷春林, LEI, Chunlin
PhD & Associate Professor
Email: leichunlin@suibe. edu. cn
LEI Chunlin is an Associate Professor at the School of Languages, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics. He obtained his PhD in Learning Sciences at the University of Hong Kong and has been teaching in higher education over 20 years. His research interest covers computer-supported collaborative learning, knowledge building, business English, and English writing.
Selected publications:
1) 张蔚磊、雷春林.(2020)我国英语能力标准的研究热点及趋势–基于近10年CNKI论文的知识图谱计量分析. 外语教学,第六期,pp.60-66.
2) Lei, C. & Cai, Y. (2020). Learning vocabularies through WeChat: A case study of Chinese lower-proficiency students. In o, H. J. et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computers in Education, Vol. (1) (pp.552-557). Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education.
3) 雷春林、蔡雨阳、司耀龙、汤佳佳 (2020). 商务英语专业学生的学科观、学习动机与学习环境调查.参见严明等主编《一带一路背景下的商务英语专业建设与发展》 (pp.64-71).北京:外语教学与研究出版社.
4) Lei, C. & Liu, F. (2019). The impact of guanxi, face and FLL self-concept on students’ engagement in a WeChat-supported vocabulary learning environment (2019),Proceedings of 2019 CALL Conference, (pp.146-150), Hong Kong University of Education.
5) Cai, Y. & Lei, C. (2019). Profiling the efficiency of strategy use across different levels of L2 readers, Educational Studies, (1): 1-7.
6) Lei, C. & Chan, C. (2018). Developing metadiscourse through reflective assessment in knowledge building environments. Computers & Education, 126, 153-169.
7) Lei, C. & Chan, C. (2018) Developing Regulation Strategies through Computer-supported Knowledge Building among Tertiary Students. In M. Emmaneul, U. Yuri, & C. Clark (Eds.), Promoting Spontaneous Use of Learning and Reasoning Strategies: theory, research, and practice for effective transfer. (pp. 172-192). New York: Routledge.